Comments from other Guests - page 1
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Elsa Barber, Ohio - Thu, 6 Nov 1997
- female,50-99, using netscape, very nice site
- Comment: I'd visit again just to hear the music.
Susan Hamilton, Europe - Sat, 18 Oct 1997
- female, 22-50, using netscape, very nice site
- Email:
- Comment: I haven't seen you since I took you around NYC--I think you were in the Navy, or something. Isn't technology wonderful? As I think you know, I live in Prague now with my son and (bet you didn't know this!) my new little daughter, Adriana! If I ever get a scanner, I'll email some pics. Or, what is your real mail address? I haven't found on this site a recent pic of you and your family. Where is it?? Anyway, I hope you are all well and maybe we will get out to visit you one day. Take care, Cousin Susan
Steve Neely, Indiana - Wed, 8 Oct 1997
- male, 22-50, using netscape, very nice site
- Email:
- Comment: Very impressive. My brother (your neighbor...J.N.) told me to check it out.
Terri Huffman Phoenix, Arizona - Thu, 2 Oct 1997
- female, 22-50, using netscape, very nice site
- Email:
- Comment: You forgot Arizona but I was raised in California anyway.
William A Schotte Dallas, Texas - Sat, 13 Sep 1997
- male, 50-99, using netscape, likes site
- Email:
- Home Page:
- Comment: I am curious about two things:
1. the origin of your dog's name
2. Why The Great State of TEXAS is not on your list of "I live in..."
Sabine Heusser Europe - Wed, 10 Sep 1997
- female, 22-50, using netscape, very nice site
- Email:
- Home Page:
- Comment: Hi, I came here by accident, when I was looking in Yahoo for a Gary Larsen
homepage. I really like the setup of your site - especially the puzzle. No time to do it today, but perhaps I will stop by or even put a little link on my homepage. Who knows. Best regards, Sabine
PS. Well, your last name, does not really sound like a good ol' American name.
Karol Shupe Denver, Colorado - Wed, 13 Aug 1997
- female, age?, using netscape, very nice site
- Email:
- Comment: Chuck - your web site is great! My DTS web site needs so much work and is soooooo boring, but I keep selling stuff and don't have time to fix it. Oh well! Buying groceries does seem to be important. Keep up the good work, Karol Shupe
Byron Bender Aloha, Oregon - Fri, 1 Aug 1997
- male, age 22-50, using netscape, very nice site
- Comment: Hi, neighbor. You missed a great party 6/28, but now I see why. Bodacious ranch!!! I love the Gary Larsen cartoons, a favorite of mine too. See you in the 'hood!
Eileen Kronschnabel Minnesota - Tue, 15 Jul 1997
- female, age 50-99, using netscape, likes site
- Email:
- Comment: Have been trying to get through on your E-mail but so far have had no luck. Think we may be related. Was your dad's name Al, your mom's Tec? If so we are first cousins.
Amy Kronschnabel Beaverton, Oregon - Tue, 1 Jul 1997
- female, age 16-21, using netscape, very nice site
- Email:
- Comment: Hi Chuck! I haven't seen or talked to you in a very long time. This is really cool. I hope that everything is going well for you. I would like to hear from you sometime. Hope to see you soon. Love did a nice job with this.
Pat Hardy Macaluso - Wisconsin - Sun, 18 May 1997
- female, age 50-99, using netscape, very nice site
- Email:
- Comment: My great aunt Ellen Hardy married George Kronschnable on 9/14/20 in Stephensville, Wisconsin. We are having a family reunion with the Hardy/Kronschnable family in June 1998 and I thought I would review your page to give them information on your ranch. (Possibly for future family reunions.) Our last reunion in Sandpoint, Idaho was attended by over 150. Hope you are related to the Wisconsin Kronschnables. Wonderful website..
David Moore - Europe - Tue, 11 Mar 1997
- male, age 50-99, using netscape, okay site
- Email:
- Comment: Thanks so much for all of the laughter and the warmth the surprises and the soul searching and for making my life so much brighter - I know it's taken its toll but you are much loved by many and for ever. Regards.
Jeff Ritter - Texas - Wed, 19 Feb 1997
- male, age 22-50, using netscape, very nice site
- Email:
- Home Page:
- Comment: Howdy Chuck. Thank you for filling out my feedback form on my website. Sorry it took
so long to get back to you. Have had a myriad of computer problems. I have added a link to your TREMENDOUS website. Please feel free to add a link to my page. That way we both can benefit from each others' links. I have added many new photos, an amateur radio chatroom, a guestbook and other stuff. I just can't get over your webpage. It is large, but it is well laid-out and easy to navigate. Hope to hear from you soon. 73 my friend, de Jeff-N5VAV
Bruce Moody - Oregon - Sat, 11 Jan 1997
- male, age 22-50, using netscape, very nice site
- Email:
- Comment: Hi Chuck, this is Bruce Moody here, (using my wife, Jule's, e-mail account. I was surfing the users home pages on aracnet and chanced upon yours. I just got done going thru some of your web page(s) All I can
say is WOW WOW WOW!!!! I'm a computer specialist for the Federal Highway administration in Portland and am just getting into Web design. Also I am a HAM KE6ILO (dont hold being from California against me -grin-). What did you use to design your "konderosa Ranch" web pages? I think the background music is soooooo cooool!!!! I realy hope that you do this professional? You should if you don't ! I thought your page is the best I've seen in design, visual ease of use! I used to produce corporate videos so I know a good layout when I see it! My wife and I moved here a couple of months a go. Do you hang out on any 2 meter repeaters ever? Well, I don't want to overwelm you with questions right now, but I'd love to hear about how you designed your web page! Write me back! Thanks Bruce
Carl Summers - Flordia - Fri, 3 Jan 1997
- male, age 22-50, using netscape, very nice site
- Email:
- Comment: We have a Schipperke. Getting another one soon. BTW: what is the title of the song on the background? Love it.
Merilou Kronschnabel - Oregon - Wed, 01 Jan 1997
- female, age 22-50, using netscape, likes site
- Email:
- Comment: We visited your new address with Netscape 3.0 and got the music and saw a lot of the changes you made. It looks and sounds neato. I couldn't find your e-mail "link" in your home page so I'm sending this from AOL compose mail. You might note that we are now at AOL and are happy with it. Hope you are having some fun with all the time off...
Rich Grannell - Washington - Sun, 25 Aug 1996
- male, age 22-50, using other, likes site
- Email:
- Comment: How the hell are ya!! drop a electron or to
Ken Tietge - Washington - Tue, 13 Aug 1996
- male, age 22-50, using netscape, very nice site
- Comment: Howdy Chuck! Whoda thunk it, me on the net? I had to stop by and say hi. I'm over at a friends house who is hooked on this stuff. Lots of fun, that's what scares me! Someday we'll be online too, but I think I'll wait untill Kenny can play too (which won't be long). Missed you on the fourth, the show was shorter than last year, but still alot of fun. Well, gotta go , take care , the page looks great, didn't have time to do the whole thing. see you soon,
Dirk Wunderle - Europe - Sat, 3 Aug 1996
- male, age 22-50, using netscape, likes site
- Email:
- Comment: I don't know how i came to your site and what it is good for, however we had fun - hope to hear more from you .
Pat Humphreys - Canada - Wed, 17 Jul 1996
- female, age 50-99, using netscape, very nice site
- Email:
- Comment: GGGreat!!!! Site. How long did it take you, how much time to you spend maintaining it? Did you use Netscape Gold to create it? Very origninal, entertaining, and esthetically pleasing. I'm impressed. I got to you through the Schipperke page. Love Oregon.
David Olson - Illinois - Sun, 23 Jun 1996
- male, age 50-99, using netscape, likes site
- Email:
- Home Page:
- Comment: I am still quite new to the internet. Found your site while looking for information on Robert Schuller. Have you told him that you have him on your page?
Neat site. It must have taken a huge amount of you and your familys time to create. Keep up the good work.
Frank Lie Jensen - Europe - Mon, 6 May 1996
- male, age 22-50, using netscape, very nice site
- Email:
- Comment: Guess I trailed off from what I was looking for again...Nice "sidestep" anyway...
I was actually looking for the English word for the norwegian: GRAVLAKS which is a special salmonmeal..
Have A Nice Life...
Rose - New York - Wed, 10 Apr 1996
- female, age unknown, using netscape, very nice site
- Email:
- Home Page:
- Comment: Hello Chuck! This is a very Impressive Homepage, I love your
Ranch and meeting your family this was very nicely done.
When you have a chance stop by my site and sign my guestbook.
Daniel Kian Mc Kiernan - California - Sun, 10 Mar 1996
- male, 22-50, using netscape
- Email:
- Home Page:
- Comment: I found this page by asking Alta Visa fro WWW references to "Secret Page". I've no idea what your homepage &c are like.
Kathy Larson - S. Dakota - Mon, 19 Feb 1996
- female, age 16-21, using other browser, likes site
- Email:
- Comment: I was looking through my professor, Ray Moore's home page and found your link. I live on a ranch in western SD so I thought I would check out what ya had. I was impressed!.
William Schnabel - California - Fri, 12 Jan 1996
- male, age 22-50, using netscape, very nice site
- Email:
- Home Page:
- Comment: I found your URL while searching in Yahoo for "Schnabel".... Kronschnabel is a variation I have never heard of before... My family is originally from Germany via Russia.
Gene Rickman - Oregon - Tue, 19 Dec 1995 -
- male, age 22-50, using netscape, very nice site
- Email:
- Home Page:
- Comment: Very impressive
Don Kronschnabel - Washington - Sat, 25 Nov 1995
- male, age 50-99, using netscape, likes site
- Comment: Looks real good but its way above my head.
John Slyter - Oregon - Sun, 19 Nov 1995
- male, age 22-50, using other, likes site
- Email:
- Comment: Hi Chuck, just checking in again. I drop in from time to time to see what you've been up to. Looks like you've been busy. Say hi to folks at Fujitsu for me.
Jay Iseman - New York - Tue, 14 Nov 1995
- female, age 50-99, using other, very nice site
- Email:
- Comment: I am truly amazed not only by the idea of WEB but what you have done with it, Chuck! Your generation will make a believer of me yet! Aunt Jay
Jan Lenti - Oregon - Tue, 7 Nov 1995
- female, age 22-50, using netscape, very nice site
- Email:
- Comment: Hi Chuck, Being new to the Internet, I want to thank you for showing me how to get around. You did a very creative awesome job putting this together! Hope to see you soon! love, Jan
Kelli Kronschnabel - Wisconsin - Fri, 3 Nov 1995
- female, age 22-50, using netscape, very nice site
- Email:
- Home Page: http://not ready to be viewed
- Comment: I am originally from Fertile Minnesota. I was just browsing the net and I decided to type in my last name and I was so surpised to find you. I would like to communicate with you to find out if you are related to me. There really aren't
that many Kronschnabel's out there. Please write back soon.I am a student at the University of Wisconsin-Superior.. I am studying Psychology and Criminal Justice. .
Gary Buxton - Wisconsin - 31 Oct 1995
- male, age 22-50, using netscape, likes site
- Comment: I am new at all this. Just learning! When I learn more I'll be back!!
Ellen Hamilton Latzen - New York - Wed, 11 Oct 1995
- female, age 1-15, using netscape, very nice site
- Email:
- Comment: I'm sitting with your cousin, who just happens to be my mother, and she told me that you have your own page, so we checked it out. It's so nice, I want one! I do hope to meet you soon, because mom has brought up your name a few times. Again, this is outstanding!
Julie Rampke - Washington - Mon, 9 Oct 1995
- female, age 22-50, using netscape, very nice site
- Email:
- Home Page:
- Comment: Hey, Chuck... finally made it here! But gee, it sure is difficult to find a pic of you that *isn't* from when you were 9 years old. Hmmph! :) We demand to see Chuck-as-he-is-today... if you don't remedy the situation soon, we're gonna strike. I don't know what from, but we'll figure it out, just you see. I see you have a link to the Schipperke page - neat! :) Your pages look great!
Ticha Pienpakdee - Oregon - Sun, 8 Oct 1995
- female, age 22-50, using netscape, site sucks
- Email:
- Home Page:
- Comment: Make an imagemap for the pics. instead. It will look nicer.
Dr. Biljana Radovan Percinkova - Europe - Fri, 5 Oct 1995
- female, age 22-50, uses netscape, very nice site
- Email:
- Home Page:
- Comment: It was a great pleasure for me to discover Your wonderful Kronderosa Ranch Home Page. I am a professor of Nonlinear Dynamic Systems and Operations Research in my country; here, at Berkeley (Department for Electrical Engineering and Computer Science) I am a Fulbright postdoctoral scholar. (Also, Master of Intensive-Enlightenment, teacher of Yoga and seeker for Absolute, I love haiku ...). I will be very happy if You are so kind to send me Your wonderful bluesky.jpg picture. Is it possible? Please, I will be very grateful, I travelled a lot in Asia, Europe and America...)really very grateful.) I wish You success in everything that You are doing.
Steve Kronschnabel - Oregon - Thu, 28 Sep 1995
- male, age 22-50, using netscape, site is very nice
- Email:
- Comment: "Pretty good, How are you?" (Private joke). It's been a month or so since I visited your home page. I must say that you have been very busy. Very impressive (it seems you have too much time on your hands!) Now I can say "My brother did that!!!"
Dan Golden - Oregon - Fri, 22 Sep 1995
- male, age 22-50, useing netscape, likes site
- Email:
- Home Page:
- Comment: Hi Chuck. Finally made it!!!!
Jay Allan - Oregon - Fri, 22 Sep 1995
- male, are 22-50, using netscape, site is very nice
- Email:
- Comment: Chuckminator, what a creative guy you are!!!
Michael Hall - Oregon - Wed, 20 Sep 1995
- male, age 22-50, using mosaic, likes site
- Email:
- Comment: Chuck, I liked your home page. I left my address at school for you in case you want to share some of your money making-investing knowledge. Thanks for your help while I was working with you. -Michael
Matt Kronschnabel - University of Wisconsin - Tue, 19 Sep 1995
- male, age 16-21, using netscape, likes site
- Email:
- Comment: I'm currently a student at the university of Wisconsin Madison. Just for kicks, I ran a search on the internet for the name Kronschnabel. I don't see it very often, and I was wondering if you know a Virginia Kronschnabel? E-mail me back when you get the time please. P.S. - The Kronderosa is a great name.
Dr. Ray Moore - University of South Dakota - Fri, 15 Sep 1995
- male, age 50-99, using netscape, site is very nice
- Email:
- Home Page:
- Comment: Chuck I don't know if I made it as your first visitor. (I guess you will just have to email me and let me know.) But in any case it was fun going through your homepage. I was just out there in Astoria in early August. If I had known about your location I would have probably tried to look you up. However I will be out there again soon I am sure. My parents used to live in Salem,OR, and I lived in Tacoma and Centralia WA, and I have a brother living in Rochester, WA now. Thanks for telling me how to get on your homepage. I would be interested in learning more about your computer business. One of my teaching assignments at the University of South Dakota is a computer applications class. Also have you given any thought to making it possible for visitors to browse through your guest comments?
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