Comments from Secret Page Guests
Tour: Comments from people who have found the "secret page" can be found here..
(click on images below for enlargments) |
| SP1 - Anne Hamilton - New York - Wed, 27 Sep 1995
female, age 22-50, using netscape, very nice site,SP1,fun,interesting
Email: | anne@westnet.com
Home Page: | http://www.westnet.com/~anne
Comments: | Hi Chuck -- Steve told me where to find your web page, and it is really outstanding.
Also amazing: the difference between the proprietary web browser on my soon-to-be-ex-provider and Netscape on my new provider. It's truly beautiful, and your
cat Jag looks just like my cat Spider (female, but named by little boys who were her first owners), who I've also always called the Great Hunter. |
| SP2 - Mr. Tumnus - Oregon - Wed, 1 Nov 1995
male, age 22-50, using netscape, likes site, SP2, fun, interesting
Email: | tumnus@aracnet.com
Comments: | No comment |
| SP3 - Dave Olsen - Oregon - Mon, 13 Nov 1995
male, age 22-50, using netscape,very nice site,SP3,fun,interesting
Email: | dave@aracnet.com
Home Page: | http://www.aracnet.com/~dave
Comments: | Well now you have my pager number to. You already have my home and work phone. This was a nice fun way to
pass a few spare minutes at work. Hope your having a good monday at home. When are you going to run out of Mondays???? see ya. |
| SP4 - Mike Darneille - Oregon - Sat, 18 Nov 1995
male, age 22-50, using netscape, very nice site, SP4, fun, interesting
Email: | darn@aracnet.com
Home Page: | http://www.aracnet.com/~darn
Comments: | Hey Chuck, I found the page! You need to smile a little more in your pictures ;) You sure have alot of work
into your page! No small effort! I now know who to talk to for expert advice. Enjoyed the pizza! We have to get together more often. Mike & family |
| SP5 - Monica Beckette - Washington - Mon, 18 Sep 1995
female, age 22-50, using netscape, site is very nice,SP5, fun, interesting
Email: | mbeckett@beta.tricity.wsu.edu
Comments: | Hey there Chuck, this is your niece Monica. I personally like this home page because there are pictures of
our family in here. I also think the artwork is well done, and the links are very easy to follow. I can see that you have put a lot of work into this. I
even liked the naked baby picture that you included in my section. No cracks about that, I promise. You have done a great job! --Monica
| SP6 - Owner's family - Washington - Sun, 26 Nov 1995
male, age 22-50, using netscape, very nice site, SP6, fun, interesting
Email: | stevek@tv.tv.tek.com
Comments: | We did this without Chuck's help . . . well, okay, most of it.
Dad, brother-in-law Chris, sister Judy, brother Steve, sister Carol, brother-in-law Ken, niece Nikki, niece Tiffany, the Professor and MaryAnn... |
| SP7 - Chris Olsen - Oregon - Thu, 30 Nov 1995
male, age 16-21, using netscape, likes site, SP7, fun, interesting
Email: | odave@.ix.netcom.com
Comments: | Just want you to know, that I found your page. Good job.
I wish I could do this. Let me know how many people have found this page and left a message. |
| SP8 - Frank E. Minard - Missouri - Wed, 17 Jan 1996
male, age 50-99, using netscape, very nice site, SP8
Email: | fminard@qni.com
Comments: | Very good puzzle!!!.also very nice ranch. I have never been to Oregon..but the pictures of your Ranch sure
make me wish that I had. By the way my amateur radio call sign is WB0YQG....73. |
| SP9 - John & Peter Sandin (father/son) - Oregon - Sat, 3 Feb 1996
male, age 22-50, using other browser, likes site, SP9, fun, interesting
Email: | Sandin@Supra.com
Comments: | No comment |
| SP10 - Curtis Damm - Oregon - Wed, 7 Feb 1996
male, age 22-50, using netscape, likes site, SP10, fun, easy
Email: | cdamm@fcpa.fujitsu.com
Comments: | Chuck, thanks for the 'adventure' into Kronderosa.
| SP11 - Beth Bischel - Oregon - Tue, 2 Apr 1996
female, 22-50, very nice site, SP11, fun, interesting
Email: | Charmayn@aracnet.com
Home Page: | http://www.aracnet.com/~charmayn/
Comments: | I really enjoyed this page, it is very creative! Beth |
| SP12 - Charmayne Bandfield - Oregon - Mon, 1 Apr 1996
female, 50-99, using netscape, very nice site, SP12, fun, interesting
Email: | charmayn@aracnet.com
Home Page: | http://www.aracnet.com/~charmayn/
Comments: | Chuck - You have done a SUPER job on this site! After visiting here, I almost feel like I know you and your
family personally! It has been an inspiration for my own site at: http://www.aracnet.com/~charmayn/ - but I have a long ways to go.
Thank you! Take care, Charmayne |
| SP13 - Corey - California - Sat, 2 Mar 1996
female, 22-50, using netscape, very nice site, SP13, okay, easy
Email: | CLJaseph@ccgate.dp.beckman.com
Comments: | So does the ranch *do* anything? How about a B&B? |
| SP14 - Dick Adams - Australia - Tue, 23 Apr 1996
male, age 50-99, using netscape, likes site, SP14, fun, easy
Email: | dicadams@ozemail.com.au
Home Page: | http://www.ozemail.com.au/~dicadams
Comments: | I found the secret page instantly (I didn't even know I was looking) but then it took a while to find out how
I'd got there. Oh yeah, I'm in Australia. |
| SP15 - Dianne Olsen - California - Sat, 25 May 1996
female, 22-50, using netscape, likes site, SP15, fun, interesting
Email: | dianne@utech.net
Home Page: | http://www.he.net/~dro/olsen.htm
Comments: | I just kept clicking until I found it. |
| SP16 - Shirley DeGraw - California - Sun, 21 Jul 1996
female, 22-50, using netscape, likes site, SP16, fun, easy
Email: | busymom@sprynet.com
Home Page: | http://home.sprynet.com/sprynet/busymom
Comments: | Your web site was very unique. I like your home and your animals. My page has only been up and running for a
couple of weeks. I hope in time it will improve to the same level as yours. Thanks for sharing your life. Shirley |
| SP17 - Thomas Scherrer - Denmark - Thu, 26 Sep 1996
male, 22-50, using netscape, very nice site, SP17, fun, interesting
Email: | kandersen@ite.dk
Comments: | I told u i did find it, see ya cool idea!! and verry funny but
it took alot of time :). |
| SP18 - Kenny Andersen - Denmark - Thu, 26 Sep 1996
male, 22-50, using netscape, likes site, SP18, okay, interesting
Email: | kandersen@ite.dk
Comments: | I found your secret page after 30 minutes of work, but it was pretty funny. I'm a radio amateur too, but I
don't use it at the moment. My callsign is OZ5ABT. |
| SP19 - Donna Barnett - Missouri - Fri, 1 Nov 1996
female, 22-50, using netscape, very nice site, SP19, fun, interesting
Email: | barnett@inlink.com
Home Page: | http://www.inlink.com/~barnett
Comments: | no comment. |
| SP20 - Linda Nowakowski - Pennsylvania - Sun, 10 Nov 1996
female, 22-50, using netscape, likes site, SP20, fun, easy
Email: | lindern@cwebtech.com
Home Page: | http://www.nauticom.net/www/lindern
Comments: | I had a lot of fun on your site. Got here on a reference from a friend to your R. Schuller references. I
liked a lot of the concepts....have an idea you might be interested in regarding the display of your pics of the ranch. Drop me a line. |
| SP21 - Scott Hibbetts - Oregon - Fri, 18 Apr 1997
male, 22-50, using netscape, likes site, SP21, fun, interesting
Email: | scotth@cs.indiana.edu
Home Page: | http://www.cs.indiana.edu/~scotth
Comments: | Great site! And Ann sure is cute. :) |
| SP22 - John Neely - Oregon - Sun, 18 May 1997
male, 22-50, using netscape, very nice site, SP22, fun, interesting
Email: | neelyrch@spiretech.com
Comments: | only a good neighbor would touch the crab, peek at the right eye,touch the tongue, travel to the north country,
leave a message, and kiss the girl just to find his neighbor. got a picture with a smile in it?? be talking to you soon... |
| SP23 - Alan Siebenthal - Hillsboro, Oregon - Wed, 3 Dec 1997
male, 22-50, using netscape, likes site, SP23, fun, hard
Email: | Siebenthall@juno.com
Comments: | While searching for the secret page I kept being bounced back to the main menu page. |
| SP24 - Dave Jones - Bedford, Indiana - Tue, 10 Feb 1998
male, 22-50, using netscape, very nice site, SP24, fun, interesting
Email: | djones@tima.com
Home Page: | http://www.tima.com/~djones
Comments: | How about some new SSTV pictures?
| SP25 - Wende Tobler - Tacoma, WA - Tue, 18 Jul 2000
female, 22-50, using unknown browser, very nice site, SP25, fun, easy
Email: | Tinker6569@aol.com
Comments: | Very nice site enjoyed my trip. Your sister Judy was my instructer I just graduated from her class. I will
visit again.
| SP26 - Mike Olson - Oregon - Wed, 29 Jan 2003
male,50-99, using other browser, very nice site, SP26, fun, interesting
Email: | molson5052@yahoo.com
Comments: | Had a nice visit. not as much fun as geocaching..but still a nice hunt.
| SP27 - Greg Clark - Hillsboro, Oregon - Sun, 9 Mar 2003
male, 22-50, using netscape, very nice site, SP27, okay, interesting
Email: | gdclark@attbi.com
Home Page: | http://home.attbi.com/~gdclark
Comments: | Hello Charlie! it's me, "HideGregHide" aka K7RKT. Finally got around to finding your 'secret page'. I must
admit, I've never seen anything like THIS one the web. Hope to run into you again soon! -- Greg
| SP28 - Ryan Corde - New York - Wed, 23 Apr 2003
male,50-99, using other browser, sucks, SP28, fun, dumb
Email: | enz383@aol.com
Comments: | The page is virtually pointless. You haven't udated your comments on the secret page since 1995. It was fun
trying to find the secrest page, but when it got there I was disappointed in its content.