Available 1010 Ham Radio Software:
(Note: the software below is obsolete and is no longer supported)
Call lookup
County Hunter
Logging Program
Nets & Beacons
Spell It
1010 Software
1010 Call lookup - 26 May 1998
- the database is usable for associating 1010 numbers from 1 thru 72100 to ham calls.
- this software is offered free of charge on an "AS IS" basis and includes instructions.
- I do not offer any warranties, promises, guarantees, upgrades, or support. Please do not contact me with problems or questions.
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1010 Software
1010 County Hunter - 18 Mar 1999
- the database is usable for collecting the 3076 counties of the United States.
- this software is offered free of charge on an "AS IS" basis and includes instructions.
- I do not offer any warranties, promises, guarantees, upgrades, or support. Please do not contact me with problems or questions.
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1010 Software
1010 Logging Program - 27 Apr 1999
- the database is usable for logging contacts for 10 meters or other bands.
- this software is offered free of charge on an "AS IS" basis and includes instructions.
- I do not offer any warranties, promises, guarantees, upgrades, or support. Please do not contact me with problems or questions.
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1010 Software
1010 Nets & Beacons Program - 16 Jul 2000
- the database is usable for locating nets and beacons for 10 meters or other bands.
- this software is offered free of charge on an "AS IS" basis and includes instructions.
- I do not offer any warranties, promises, guarantees, upgrades, or support. Please do not contact me with problems or questions.
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1010 Software
1010 Spell It Program - 16 Jan 2001
- the program is usable for working on the 1010 Spell It Specials or Worksheets. Includes dupe checking, sort buttons and
"copy data" to email or word processor function.
- this software is offered free of charge on an "AS IS" basis and includes instructions.
- I do not offer any warranties, promises, guarantees, upgrades, or support. Please do not contact me with problems or questions.
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