1010 Software
1010 Spell It Program Details
This program was written in response to the popularity of the 1010 Spell It specials and worksheets. The program provides data sorting, dupe checking and a "copy function" which places the data into your email or word processor software. Usable with any 1010 chapter. Note: The Branding Iron 2 BBQ special is pre-loaded in the program as an example.
- Windows95 or newer
- Excel 5 or higher
- Familiarity with Excel is advised.
- You will need the "PKUNZIP" or "WINZIP" program or equivalent available here.
- download the file Spellit.zip (about 15K) by clicking on the link below
- unzip the file
- load and run the resulting program Spellit.xls under Excel V5 or higher.
Download Spellit.zip (removed)
1010 Software
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